Residential & Mixed Use Development
Managing and negotiating these types of projects successfully through the complex planning process is the mainstay of our work.

Local Plan Representations
Magenta has a special focus on local plan strategies, often dovetailing alongside planning application work, to achieve strategic releases of land from the Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land.

Local Political Strategies
When the ‘computer says no’ but common sense indicates otherwise, Magenta has the ability, stamina and political awareness that is required to achieve successful outcomes that are often contrary to the initial Officer recommendation and against policy.

Pubs/Restaurants & Brewery industry
Magenta has developed a specialism in this sector, including work to help expand the operations of an independent craft brewery in central London, and to realise enabling residential development opportunities for a growing London pub company.

Affordable Housing
Magenta is the leading planning consultant for a high profile affordable housing provider that champions accessible homes and inclusive living, including the progression through planning of a large portfolio of former Local Authority sites within an outer London Borough.

Master Planning
Magenta have a special planning advisory and co-ordinating role on the ‘hub’ masterplan for Tooting & Mitcham Football Club, including successful securing of planning permission for major enabling residential proposals on Metropolitan Open Land.

Village Extensions
Magenta have an active on-going role for a master developer/land promoter within the Essex area, focussing on logical extension and 'rounding off' proposals to existing village settlements as exemplars of best practice in sustainable residential-led mixed use developments, progressed though an established collaborative relationship with the relevant Local Authorities.